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  • 파트리치오 수사 장엄서원식

    The solemn vow ceremony of D.Patrizio was held at our association meeting on August 19, 2023. On the Solemnity of Saint Bernardo Tolomei, the Founder, the Abbey of St. Benedict of Olivetano It was celebrated with great grandeur at the Abbey of St. Bernard Tolomei). In the presence of D. Patrizio's parishioners, many lay monks, and consecrates of St. Olivetano's Benedictine Congregation, the vow mass was held by Abbot James. After the vow mass, there was a solemn vow ceremony in the monastery cafeteria. A lot of people came and blessed me, worked hard, and I sincerely thank everyone who prayed and helped.

  • Monk's Great Feast 5.21

    A big feast was held at Myeongdong Cathedral in Seoul yesterday, the Great Ascension Festival and a public relations week. It was a big feast of 34 congregations and missionaries, including Sister Salesio and Jesuits In the exhibition and the sanctuary counseling corner for the sale of goods, the steps of believers who finished the mass were popular. Reporter Lee Sim has been to the scene The yard of Myeongdong Cathedral is filled with the booths of monks. The believers gathered at the church during the Mass Tourists are delighted to participate in the event organized by the order. On the 21st, Lord's Ascension Festival and Public Relations Week, a big feast of the church was held around Myeongdong Cathedral. Busking is held on one side, and a talk concert is in full swing at the cultural center's Soseongdang. In the Virgin Mary's Garden, we also see children taking pictures together, delighted with the appearance of the Virgin Mary. There is also a place to pray for a moment on one side of the Mother of Our Lady of Eternal Help booth. The cathedral is crowded with performances and booths prepared by 34 monasteries. It is a time of joy for the couple who visited Myeongdong Cathedral with their son Seo Jin-gun. "I'm here to show the baby my first mass. But it's an honor to have so many good things today that you didn't know it was a big party. (Then you came here without knowing it was a big party?) While waiting for Mass, you showed me a lot of babies and prayed a lot..I haven't been able to come for a while..." The great feast of the congregation was a great pleasure for the monks, too. "I personally want to express the existence of a monk in a word. Monks are people who testify to God's kingdom. Beyond the short life of this world, we are reminded again that eternal life exists and that eternal life is in God." - Archbishop Chung Soon-taek's Mass Lecture- Under the theme of Good and Good, the big feast of the order lasted until 7 p.m. The big feast was held as a place of friendship and sharing to convey the joy of the celebration life

  • Visit of Cardinal Andrea Yeom Sujeong

    On May 15, 2023 (Monday), Cardinal Yeom Su-jeong (former Archbishop of Seoul) visited Olivetano St. Benedict Abbey in Goseong. The Cardinal had a prayer with the monks and had lunch in the refectory of the abbey with the monks and nuns of St. Benedict of Olivetano and the clergy and religious in retreat. After the lunch, he had a long conversation with the monks at the Café Olive (abbey cafe) and blessed each monk.

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  • 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 수도회

    Benedictine Congregation of Saint Mary of Monte Oliveto Benedictine Congregation of Saint Mary of Monte Oliveto Gyeongnam Goseong Abbey of St. Bernard Tolomei One body in christ Unum Corpus in Christo ​ A community of fraternal fellowship, one body in Christ Olivetano Saint Benedict's Monastery ​ ​ In an ecological environment good for walking and meditating Focusing on work according to monastic tradition, Gregorian chants, and common liturgy, Welcoming guests through lectio divina retreats and spiritual accompaniment; It is a sedentary community of love that praises God with its dedicated members. Benedictine Congregation of St Mary of Monte Oliveto 수도원미사 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 수도원 미사 영상 공식 유튜브 채널입니다 미사봉헌 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 수도회 수도승들은 교회의 전통에 따른 전례와 그레고리안 성가로 매일의 거룩한 미사성제를 바칩니다 기부금 여러분들의 기부금은 교회의 사명인 복음 선포와 가난한 이를 돕고, 교회의 재산인 수도원을 관리하고 수도자를 개발하고 양성하는 데 사용됩니다. 와인, 올리브 이탈리아 토스카나 지방의 몬떼 올리베또 대수도원에서 생산한 올리브유, 와인 구입 렉시오디비나 피정 일반피정, 렉시오 디비나 피정등 그레고리안 성가 그레고리오 성가는 하느님 말씀에서 시작하고, 하느님 말씀에서 형태를 취하고, 하느님 말씀에서 시작하여 해석되기 때문에 탁월한 전례 성가입니다 ​수도회의 성인들과 몬떼올리베또의 성마리아 연합회 want to be free, Serve him in peace want." Saint Bernard Tolomei “In order to contemplate the God who called us in silence - Aug 20, 2023 파트리치오 수사 장엄서원식 The solemn vow ceremony of D.Patrizio was held at our association meeting on August 19, 2023. On the Solemnity of Saint Bernardo Tolomei,... 44 Post not marked as liked - May 22, 2023 Monk's Great Feast 5.21 A big feast was held at Myeongdong Cathedral in Seoul yesterday, the Great Ascension Festival and a public relations week. It was a big... 20 Post not marked as liked - May 15, 2023 Visit of Cardinal Andrea Yeom Sujeong On May 15, 2023 (Monday), Cardinal Yeom Su-jeong (former Archbishop of Seoul) visited Olivetano St. Benedict Abbey in Goseong. The... 39 Post not marked as liked - Mar 25, 2023 Homily on the Solemnity of the Annunciation (Abbot James Ryu) 주님탄생 예고 대축일에 하신 유 야고보 아빠스님의 강론 20 Post not marked as liked 1 2 3 + More monastery news 고성 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 수도원 특집방송 Play Video Play Video 01:37 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 수도회 소개영상 Video introducing the Abbey of St Bernardo Tolomei. Goseong Korea 2022 경남 고성에 위치한 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 수도원 소개영상 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 수도원 Abbey of St Bernardo Tolomei 그리스도 안에서 한 몸을 이루는 형제적 친교 공동체인 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 수도원은 산책하고 묵상하기 좋은 넓은 생태환경 안에서 수도승 전통에 따른 일, 그레고리안 성가 그리고 공동 전례를 중심으로, 렉시오 디비나 피정과 영적 동반을 통해 손님을 환대하고, 봉헌회원들과 함께 하느님을 찬미하는 사랑의 정주 공동체입니다. Play Video Play Video 26:01 [4K] Documentary A : Holy Journey - Part 3 The Path💙 After Holy Journey Part 1 and Part 2 were aired last year, the common perception towards monks as living mysterious lives while rigorously practicing stoicism was shattered by the cheerful Benedictine monks. This 2-part series made a great impression on many viewers. We visit the abbey again a year later. Even though the monks were still camera-shy, they wholeheartedly welcomed the documentary crew. “If I were to cite the big change in our community, it would be the slight change in the members of our abbey.” We remember each and every monk we met. What kind of changes have happened since then? In Holy Journey Part 3: The Path, we reveal for the first time the ceremony of taking the solemn vows, where a monk vows to devote himself to God for life. “When you have someone take the solemn vows, then that’s a huge blessing to the abbey.” In this episode, we also tell the story of an only son who has his parents blessings to dedicate himself to God. 지난해 거룩한 여정 1, 2부가 방영된 후, 엄숙주의와 신비주의로 각인된 세상의 편견을 진지하면서도 유쾌하게 허물어버린 수도승들의 모습은 많은 사람들에게 큰 여운을 남겼다. 1년 만에 다시 찾은 수도원, 카메라 앞에 모습을 드러내는 것이 여전히 낯설고 다소 부끄러워 하면서도 제작진을 반갑게 맞이해주었다. "아무래도 그 동안에 가장 큰 변화라고 한다면, 우리 공동체의 구성원들이 약간 변동이 있었던 것, 그것이 가장 크겠죠." 우리의 마음 속에 진하게 남아있는 한 분 한 분, 과연 그동안 어떤 변화가 있었던 걸까? 거룩한 여정 - 세번째 이야기 '길' (Holy Journey-the Path)에서는 또한 종신토록 하느님께 자신을 바치는 성대한 의식인 장엄서원식이 세상 밖으로 처음 공개된다. "1명의 장엄서원자가 탄생한다는 것은 우리 수도원에서도 큰 축복입니다" 그리고 하나밖에 없는 외아들을 영원히 하느님의 품으로 보내는 부모님의 이야기도 펼쳐진다. #monastery #monks_at_theAbbeyOlivetanBenedictine #solemnvows #monkvows #수도생활 #올리베따노_성_베네딕도_대수도원 #대수도원_수도사 #장엄서원식 #장엄서원자 Play Video Play Video 26:01 [4K] Documentary A : Holy Journey - Part2. Home 🏡 Ep.28 Holy Journey - Part2. Home When imagining life at an abbey, a monastery, mainstream media and popular culture may have played a part in the image of a cold, austere and forbidding environment that pops into our heads. But we learn that is far from the truth, as we continue our journey with the monks at the Abbey Olivetan Benedictine of St. Bernardo Tolomei in Korea. They invited us into their lives, their hearts and their home – A home that radiates love and faith... And when they’re not observing silence, in service or praying, it’s a home that rings with warm laughter. 수도원 하면 흔히 떠올리는 이미지는 엄숙하고 폐쇄된 신비스러운 공간. 그곳에 모여 사는 수도자들은 특별한 사람들로 느껴진다. 하지만 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 대수도원의 수도자들은 이렇게 말한다. 자신들은 평범하고 감출 게 하나도 없는 사람들이라고. 또 수도원은 엄격하고 혹독한 수행의 공간이 아니라 사랑을 배우는 공간이고, 자신들은 사랑의 학교에 모여 살고 있다고. 연극배우. 선원. 음악가. 군인. 제빵사 등. 각기 다른 삶을 살던 15명은 이렇게 지낸다. “보라 얼마나 좋고 얼마나 즐거운가, 형제들이 함께 사는 것이!” 더 많이 사랑하고, 그 사랑이 넘쳐서 세상에 흘러들어가게 하는 것이 수도생활의 목적이라는 그들의 경건하면서도 유쾌하고, 엄숙하면서도 활기찬 수도생활. 봉쇄구역 안에서의 삶이 다큐멘터리A에서 펼쳐진다. #Holy_Journey #monastery #monks_at_theAbbeyOlivetanBenedictine #수도생활 #올리베따노_성_베네딕도_대수도원 #대수도원_수도사 Play Video Play Video 26:01 [4K] Documentary A : Holy Journey - Part1. Calling🙏 Ep.27 Holy Journey - Part1. Calling The 21st century is said to be the most prosperous and advanced period in history, but the question remains, ‘Are we happy?’ Are you happy? Am I happy? In “Holy Journey,” we get to meet a group of people who have found their happiness in a life of religion. The Benedictine monks who reside and worship at an abbey, nestled within nature at Goseong in Gyeongsangnam-do Province. We explore how life has led them to where they are now, on “Holy Journey.” 인류 역사상 가장 발달하고 부유한 시대라는 21세기. 온갖 욕망을 채워주는 물질적 풍요, 온라인, 오프라인으로 촘촘하게 연결된 관계들 속에서 살고 있는 현대인들은 과연 가장 행복한 인류일까? 자신있게 “나는 행복하다”고 말할 수 있는 사람은 얼마나 될까? 행복하냐는 질문에 누군가는 이렇게 답한다. “살아 있을 때 천국의 기쁨을 누리지 못 한다면 어떻게 죽어서 천국에서 살 수 있겠습니까.” 지금 천국의 기쁨을 누리고 있다는 사람들. 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 대수도원의 수사들이다. 대다수가 피하고 싶어하는 가난, 고독, 순명을 스스로 선택한 15명의 수도자들. 그들은 왜 수도원으로 왔을까? 새벽부터 밤까지 기도와 노동으로 채워진 고단한 삶을 왜 그들은 행복하다고 할까? 그들의 일상은 어떤 의미를 가지고 있을까? 모두가 함께 겪고 있는 상실과 혼란의 시대. 또다른 행복의 방법을 수도자들을 통해 만나본다. #Holy_Journey #monastery #monks_at_theAbbeyOlivetanBenedictine #수도생활 #올리베따노_성_베네딕도_대수도원 #대수도원_수도사 Load More

  • benign course | Olivetano

    “Give Him all that you have—that of yourself and all that you have. ​ Prepare yourself and everything to be worthy of His divine will." St. Bernardo Tolomei, Letter 2 Upon admission, students learn the norms of community life and strengthen their sanctuary through the petition, after which they learn Catholic doctrine and basic monk life. After a year of petition, you will meet the training period and learn the life of a monk in accordance with the , and after the training period of 1 year, you will make your first vow to pledge'jeongju','monk life' and'obedience'. After having spent three years of vow, learning practical studies or skills necessary for theology or other common life, he becomes a formal member of the community through life vows. ​ ​All of these processes also follow the basic spirit of St. Benedict's , but the details are applied to suit today's circumstances. 58, About Brothers' Admission Procedures (17-29) Those who are permitted to be admitted to the church will be punished by those who have been ridiculed by him if they pledge to live his settlement and monk before all in the church and to obedience before God and his saints, and if at any time behave differently from the pledge. You should know. Regarding his vows, he must fill out a petition with the names of the saints enshrined there and the fathers present. This petition must be written by his or her own hand, but if he does not know the writing, the practitioner will sign it and place it on the altar with his own hand if it is written by another person requested by him. After letting go of this, the novice immediately said, “Lord, receive me according to your word. Then I will live. The Lord will begin to responsibly say, "Don't let my hopes go against it." Everyone in the community will respond to this reciprocation three times and add an honorary song. Then the novice brother will fall at the feet of each one and ask him to pray for him. And he is considered a member of the community from this day on. If he has any property, he will give it to the poor in advance, or give it a legal deed and donate it to the monastery, and he will not leave anything to him, for he knows that he has no right to his body from that day on. . Therefore, he will immediately remove the clothes he is wearing in the church and change into the clothes of the monastery. However, the clothes he took off were kept in a separate room in the wardrobe--although this shouldn't happen--so that if he one day falls under the temptation of a demon and leaves the monastery, he removes his clothes from the monastery and lets him out. However, he will not return the petition that Papas had taken from the altar and will be kept in the monastery.

  • admission procedure | Olivetano

    ​They... abandoned everything and followed Jesus. 'Luca 5.11' " I love you, The echo of our fame has reached you!" St. Bernardo Tolomei First, the vocational vocational officer communicates with the person in charge of the vocation outside for a certain period of time and has time to refine his mind about the vocation. During this period, through investigations in charge of the sanctuary, general information about religious life and our Saint Benedic of Olivetano will be provided. And actually, you will have a period of experiencing life in our water community. After joining the capital community and experiencing common life in this way, it is finally possible to identify whether or not you are enrolled. The decision to join will be made based on the opinions of the father monk, the investigation of the sanctuary, and the formation committee members. There is no age limit, and the decision is made taking into account all aspects of the LGBTQ. And, for example, the beginning of the year or the end of the year, there is no specific timing of enrollment, but the timing of enrollment is determined according to the vocational identification process of each LGBTQ. ​ This initiation process basically follows-though not literally-Chapter 58 of St. Benedict's Capital Rules. For reference, the original text is written below. ​ Sanctuary Inquiries: 010.5301 1319 58. About the procedure for the brothers' admission (1-16) When someone first comes to live a religious life, do not allow him to be admitted easily, but, as the apostle said, "I will try to see if his spirit is from God." Therefore, if the person who visited him constantly knocks on the door and endures the hardship of the hospitality and the enrollment he faces for up to four or five days, and his petition seems to be persistent, he will be admitted to him and will remain in the room for a few days. After that, they will be placed in the practitioners' rooms to study, eat, and sleep there. And he will send to them homeless brethren worthy of souls to take care of them with every care. And he will take care of whether the practitioner truly seeks God and is devoted to enduring God's work, obedience, and insults. He will also inform him in advance of all the difficulties and trials he will face in his approach to God. If he promises to persevere in his settlement, two months later read this rule book to him in turn, and say to him, “Behold, this is the law that you are willing to struggle under that direction, and if you can keep it, listen. Come, if you can't, leave freely.” If he is still there, he will lead him to the room of the practitioners mentioned above and test it again with all patience. And I'll read the rulebook to him to let him know what he has come in to do after six months have passed. If he's still there, he'll read the same rulebook again in four months. And if he commits himself to self-contemplation, obeying everything, and obeying all that he commands, then he will accept it into the community. What he should know at this time is that he cannot leave the monastery from that day as prescribed by the law of the rule book, and he cannot escape from the yoke of the rule, because he has been able to reject or accept this rule after so long deliberation.

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