“Give Him all that you have—that of yourself and all that you have.
Prepare yourself and everything to be worthy of His divine will."
St. Bernardo Tolomei, Letter 2

Upon admission, students learn the norms of community life and strengthen their sanctuary through the petition, after which they learn Catholic doctrine and basic monk life.
After a year of petition, you will meet the training period and learn the life of a monk in accordance with the <Water rule>, and after the training period of 1 year, you will make your first vow to pledge'jeongju','monk life' and'obedience'.
After having spent three years of vow, learning practical studies or skills necessary for theology or other common life, he becomes a formal member of the community through life vows.
All of these processes also follow the basic spirit of St. Benedict's <Water Rules>, but the details are applied to suit today's circumstances.
<Water Supply Regulations> 58, About Brothers' Admission Procedures (17-29)

Those who are permitted to be admitted to the church will be punished by those who have been ridiculed by him if they pledge to live his settlement and monk before all in the church and to obedience before God and his saints, and if at any time behave differently from the pledge. You should know.
Regarding his vows, he must fill out a petition with the names of the saints enshrined there and the fathers present. This petition must be written by his or her own hand, but if he does not know the writing, the practitioner will sign it and place it on the altar with his own hand if it is written by another person requested by him.
After letting go of this, the novice immediately said, “Lord, receive me according to your word. Then I will live. The Lord will begin to responsibly say, "Don't let my hopes go against it." Everyone in the community will respond to this reciprocation three times and add an honorary song. Then the novice brother will fall at the feet of each one and ask him to pray for him. And he is considered a member of the community from this day on.
If he has any property, he will give it to the poor in advance, or give it a legal deed and donate it to the monastery, and he will not leave anything to him, for he knows that he has no right to his body from that day on. .
Therefore, he will immediately remove the clothes he is wearing in the church and change into the clothes of the monastery. However, the clothes he took off were kept in a separate room in the wardrobe--although this shouldn't happen--so that if he one day falls under the temptation of a demon and leaves the monastery, he removes his clothes from the monastery and lets him out. However, he will not return the petition that Papas had taken from the altar and will be kept in the monastery.